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Neuromotor markers of pathological gait in children with cerebral palsy: An integrated multidisciplinary approach to support clinical decision making.

In children with cerebral palsy, primary and secondary neuromotor deficits adversely affect normal development of functional activities such as walking. The overall goal of this research program is to develop and improve an integrated multidisciplinary framework to evaluate the interaction between neuromotor impairments and gait pathology, thereby advancing and combining current and innovative methodologies in clinical motion analysis and uncovering the underlying influencing factors of pathological gait. These resulting new insights will facilitate the patient specific treatment planning. The proposed research pathways focus on the development of comprehensive and multidimensional assessments on the level of neuromotor impairments (pathways 1 and 2) as well as on pathological gait (pathway 3). Following a hybrid approach that combines the biomechanical and electrophysiological assessments at the two levels, novice markers for the interference of impairment with pathological gait will be defined. In Pathway 4 the interactive network between markers of brain anomalies and markers for neuromotor impairment and gait pathology will be explored.


Date:1 Oct 2013 →  30 Sep 2023
Keywords:neuromotor deficits, gait pathology, Functional activities, biomarkers
Disciplines:Rehabilitation sciences, Neurological and neuromuscular diseases, Musculo-skeletal systems