MP Multi Use: Multi-(re)-use scenarios for existing offshore infrastructure: a conceptual, economical, legal and structural reliability study (MP Multi Use)
MP Multi Use project is a collaborative project of the Brussels free University (VUB), the Ghent University (UGent), the Marine, Dredging & Port Engineering (IMDC), Sirris and the Federal Public Service Economy (FOD Economie). Justification for this project comes from the question whether monopile wind turbines (MP) can be re-used as an alternative to their decommissioning. In the light of this rationale, MP Multi Use is studying the feasibility of (re)using existing infrastructure for hybrid energy generation and/or repurposing it to wave, tidal or storage technologies, as an alternative to their complete decommissioning. The focus of the legal part within this project lies on studying the applicable law framework within the Belgian energy, environmental (marine) and administrative law and discussing some juridical bottlenecks that exist within this framework.