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Mathematics and logic in the school of Brentano.

The research project aims at developing a systematical and historical account of the philosophy of mathematics and logic in the School of Brentano, focusing on the most prominent member of this school, Edmund Husserl. Husserl was a highly systematic philosopher, integrating research from disparate fields: mathematics, logic, philosophy, psychology, linguistics, etc. Moreover, like his master franz brentano, Husserl considered philosophy itself as a science. As a first question, we should ask what the role of mathematics and, broader, formal sciences in Husserl's philosophical system is. To address this question correctly it is important to place it in its relevant context and proceed by examining the position of logic and mathematics in the philosophical theories of the other members of the School of Brentano. Can we speak of a Brentanist philosophy of mathematics? To answer such questions we must understand the relation between mathematics, logic and philosophy in their positions.
Date:1 Oct 2009 →  30 Sep 2012
Keywords:Franz Brentano, Philosophy of mathematics, Philosophy of logic, Edmund Husserl, School of Brentano, History of phylosophy, Phenomenology
Disciplines:Theory and methodology of philosophy, Philosophy