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The many faces of the Pentateuch: comparing the characterisations of the priestly redaction of the Pentateuch and of Jubiliees' Rewriting of Genesis-Exodus.
Against the backdrop of new perspectives in the field of redaction criticism of the biblical texts, and in the study of ancient Hebrew literature, the present project aims to investigate the scholarly models applied to interpret the compositional activities of the ancient authors who rewrote the texts they were transmitting. More specifically, it will compare the characterisations of the literary strategies applied by the Priestly redactor(s) the only layer in the formation of the Pentateuch on which scholars are basically in agreement and of the rewriting of Genesis-Exodus evidenced in the book of Jubilees, which is commonly accepted as a prime example of rewritten Scripture. As a test-case, an in-depth analysis of their respective stories of the Flood, which play a pivotal role in both literary undertakings, will be presented. Through a critical assessment of these two models of literary analysis, with their respective methods and distinctive terminology, the proposed project intends to push forward the discourse on methodology in the field of biblical studies. On the meta-level, it also reflects the growing scholarly awareness that the study of ancient Hebrew literature should be conducted within the widercontext of literary theory on textual development in ancient cultures in general.
Date:1 Oct 2011 → 30 Sep 2014
Keywords:Jubilees 5-6, Genesis 6-9, Flood Narrative, Prietsly redaction of the Pentateuch, Redaction criticism, Jubilees, Rewritten Scripture, Rewritten Bible
Disciplines:Theology and religious studies, Other philosophy, ethics and religious studies not elsewhere classified