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Evaluating the effects of plant roots on rill and gully erosion: application to cover crops.
This post-doctoral research focusses on the effects of plant roots of cover crops on the erosion resistance of the topsoil during concentrated flow erosion and will further investigate the mechanical and hydraulic effects of roots on controlling rill and gully erosion. A methodological framework for selecting suitable Mediterranean plants for rill and gully erosion control developped during the PhD research entitle 'The effects of plant roots on rill and gully erosion: application to a Mediterranean ecosystem' will be applied on a set of cover crops, growing in belgium, to determine their erosion-reducing potential during concentrated flow erosion.
Date:1 Dec 2008 → 30 Sep 2009
Keywords:Root, Concentrated flow erosion, Rill, Gully, Cover crops
Disciplines:Ecology, Environmental science and management, Other environmental sciences, Plant biology, Geology, Physical geography and environmental geoscience