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European Human Biomonitoring Iniative (HBM4EU). (HBM4EU)

The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (EHBMI) will establish and implement an ambitious European Joint Programme (EJP) and will provide policy makers with comparable and validated chemical exposure and health data at EU level. This will be done by integrating and building on previous and ongoing EU initiatives, national HBM programmes and studies (including cohorts, epidemiological studies and health surveys). The project will include harmonising and optimising the practices of national HBM programmes, including sample collection, quality assurance and data management; linking external to internal exposure in order to improve exposure models for risk assessment; developing, validating, and applying exposure and effect biomarkers to improve our understanding of the health risks associated with aggregate exposures; and identifying chemicals of concern through novel methods for the holistic analysis of HBM samples and improving the use of HBM data in assessing exposure to and the risks of chemical mixtures.
Date:1 Jan 2017 →  30 Jun 2022
Disciplines:Public health care
Project type:Collaboration project