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Development of a toolkit related to business and human rights

The main framework for this project are the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGP) on Business and Human Rights, particularly the second pillar regarding how human rights duties are integrated into the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). More specifically, this project considers the framework provided by the National Action Plan (NAP) recently approved in Belgium, provided that the toolbox is the first action point of this NAP. The toolbox will be designed for corporations (and their partners) and other organisations with activities in the jurisdiction of Belgium. The toolbox will provide complete, schematic and clear information regarding human rights duties of non-state actors (corporations and other organisations) in the framework of their activities, but also how they can comply with these duties, and if any human rights violation is caused, how they can provide for remedies or redress to the victims. Some of the tools to be included are: a. Human Rights Due Diligence and related human rights impact assessment within the organisation but also in relation to their partners (belonging to the global value chain). b. A system of operational complaints to be provided by non-state actors when an abuse has been caused, in order to offer effective redress or just compensation to victims. c. A check-list on human rights compliance.
Date:13 Mar 2018 →  30 Sep 2018
Disciplines:Economic, commercial and financial law, Environmental law, Human rights law