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Cleaner production in the city of Cienfuegos, Cuba and sustainability of the city.
The major industrial processes, sources contributing to air and water pollution in the City of Cienfuegos will be inventorised and the impact on the environment will be deduced. This allows selecting a number of priority processes and companies for which a CP strategy will be proposed, and adequate process improvements will be recommended. An inventory will be made of the sources of biomass from which renewable energy can be obtained in Cienfuegos. Most attention will be given to biowaste, e.g. waste streams from the sugar industry, from food production, etc. Based on qualitative and quantitative characterization of industrial waste, sustainable applications will be looked for and developed, recycling (material recycling) or recovering (energetic valorization) these wastes. A system of sustainability indicators for the city of Cienfuegos will be developed and proposed to the authorities. The system will be used to assess the sustainability of the City and its evolution in time. Moreover, its application in planning of the development of the city will be considered.
Date:1 Oct 2013 → 30 Sep 2015
Keywords:Cienfuegos, Cleaner production, Industrial processes, Recycling, Energetic valorisation, Sustainability, Indicators
Disciplines:Economic development, innovation, technological change and growth