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Citizen Survey Living Environment Quality Flanders 2023

In 2023, the Department of Environment conducted a citizen survey on the quality of living environment (BLV) that measured satisfaction with the quality of life and the environment and the nuisance that the Flemish experience from noise, odour, light pollution and (cast) shadow. It was the sixth survey in a series of surveys that have been conducted since 2001. The questions were almost identical in the previous five surveys, but in this sixth edition, both the questions and the sampling were slightly different. As a result, this edition has a new name, namely "Citizen Survey on the Quality of Living Environment Flanders (BLV)" instead of the previous editions "Written Environmental Survey (SLO)". These results cannot therefore be clearly compared with the previous five editions and serve as a new reference survey (BLV-0).
Date:1 Sep 2023 →  5 Sep 2024
Keywords:nuisance, odor, sound, light, (cast) shadow
Disciplines:Environmental health and safety
Project type:Post-doctoral project