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Antwerp core facility for bioinformatics (BIOMINA). (BIOMINA)
High-throughput bio-analytical instruments generate an immense data flow. Translating these data into interpretable insights about the underlying processes of life and disease is increasingly dependent on bioinformatics techniques. Since 2012 BIOMINA (biomedical informatics network Antwerpen) brings together bioinformatics expertise, scattered over life science and computer science labs in our university, in an informal network. With this proposal we wish to transform this network, with its expertise and widely used infrastructure, into a BIOMINA core facility that can deliver a professional bioinformatics service. The mission is to 1) build a sustainable support, training, and collaboration model; 2) increase bioinformatics capacity to meet growing demands; and 3) build a strong bioinformatics community. It is proposed by complementary PIs in the field, to translate the available bioinformatics strengths to support biomedical, clinical, biological, and bioengineering labs within the University and external clients in hospitals and industry.
Date:1 Jan 2022 → Today
Disciplines:Analysis of next-generation sequence data, Bioinformatics data integration and network biology, Bioinformatics of disease, Computational biomodelling and machine learning, Development of bioinformatics software, tools and databases