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Research group

Lifecycle:1 Jan 1970 →  1 Jan 2023
Organisation profile:

HEIM is part of the Oncology Research Center and consists of a fundamental research team located at the Faculty of the Brussels Health Campus and a translational research team located at the University Hospital. Fundamental Research consists of cancer research in different tumor models including Multiple Myeloma, Acute Myeloid Leukemia and B-cell lymphoma. The aim of this research is to find novel therapeutic targets within the field of epigenetics, tumor cross-talk and immune therapy. Translational Research covers different domains within Hematology, such as Cancer Biology, Stem Cell Therapy, Thrombophilia and HLA typing.

Keywords:Cell Culture, stem cell transplantation, Immunology, Therapy, Oncology, Immuno-Morphology, Multiple Myeloma, mesenchymal stem cells, Diagnosis, Molecular Biology, Hematology, Lymphoma, cancer
Disciplines:Immunology, Oncology, Hematology