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Electronic Circuits and Systems (ECS)

Lifecycle:1 Aug 2020 →  Today
Organisation profile:

Divsion ESAT - MICAS, Micro-elektronics en Sensors


MICAS is a research division with a world class reputation in the domain of integrated circuit and sensors design. The focus of the research is on circuit level design and MEMS development. MICAS designs chips for power management, communication, biomedical applicartions and so on. We span everything from DC to mm-Wave and optical. For this we cooperate with semiconductor companies, academic as well as research institutions. Almost all MICAS chips are fabricated in the most advanced technologies. Afterwards these chips are packaged and tested in the most advanced and extensive package and measurement infrastructure of MICAS: ICLab. More information about the MICAS-team, the research topics, our realisations and much more can be found on http://www.esat.kuleuven.be/micas





Keywords:biomedical design, RF and mm Wave design, digital design, Integrated circuits, Sensors, analog design
Disciplines:Other electrical and electronic engineering, Sensors, biosensors and smart sensors, Design theories and methods, Nanotechnology