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Department of Biochemical and microbial technology
Lifecycle:1 Jan 1993 → 31 Dec 2017
Organisation profile:This department consists of two large research groups:At InBio.be, a diverse team of researchers strives to transform microbial (lab) strains into cell factories, as such enabling the transition towards a biobased economy. To accomplish this goal, state of the art interdisciplinary techniques are applied in an integrated approach, combining molecular tool-, strain- and process development. InBio.be has been active in the field of industrial biotechnology for over 15 years, amongst others resulting in the founding of the spin off company Inbiose. Moreover, InBio.be's close collaboration with the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant in several research projects, enables to bring cutting edge technologies to the next level, through process development and scale up.CMET is specialized in the study and application of mixed microbial cultures or communities. A microbial community consists of several populations which each represent a functional biological entity and thus a diverse metabolic capacity. The assemblage of these biological entities represents - when properly organised - a powerful resource. CMET focuses on the optimal management of these microbial resources (Microbial Resource Management, MRM) enabling us to develop novel products and processes to improve our environment or human health in the most sustainable way. More specifically, CMET applies this approach in the fields of applied microbial ecology, functional food and feed, medical microbial ecology, risk assessment, biomaterials and nanotechnology, water treatment, aquaculture, bio-energy, and soils and sediments.
Keywords:Biochemische technologie, Microbiële technologie
Disciplines:Biotechnology for agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences, Environmental engineering and biotechnology, Microbiology