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Centre for Membrane Separations, Adsorption, Catalysis, and Spectroscopy for Sustainable Solutions

Lifecycle:1 Apr 2019 →  31 Jul 2020
Organisation profile:

cMACS forms an interdisciplinary and international team that pioneers research in catalysis, energy, spectroscopy and separations. A molecular understanding of physical and chemical phenomena during synthesis and application of catalysts, sorbents and membranes is central to allow molecular and structural design of novel materials and directed engineering of applications. The study of porous materials, membranes, films and their interfaces forms the core of this research approach at the intersection of inorganic chemistry (new materials), organic chemistry (novel reactions, polymers, kinetics), biochemistry (bio‐catalysis) and physical chemistry (molecular transport, separation and adsorption; novel spectroscopy tools) and reactor design.

Keywords:spectorscopy, catalysis
Disciplines:Catalysis and reacting systems engineering