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Stakeholdersbevraging : Bevraging van alle relevante stakeholders die centraal peilt naar visie van die stakeholders op de toekomstige plaats en rol van de openbare omroep in de samenleving. (VLV144)

Stakeholders questioning: questioning of all relevant stakeholders, asking for the opinion of the stakeholders regarding the future place and role of the public broadcasting in society
Date:7 Jan 2009 →  31 May 2010
Keywords:demo, test, test-trefwoord, terfwoord, nog eentje, testerdeghjdgsj, hupl, testerdetest
Disciplines:Information and computing sciences, Mathematical sciences and statistics, Languages and literary studies, Psychology and cognitive sciences, History and archaeology, Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences, Philosophy, ethics and religious studies, Basic sciences, Biological sciences, Law and legal studies, Earth sciences