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Nicolas Van Larebeke-Arschodt

  • Research Expertise:

    Scientific activities -


    Author or co-author of more than hundred publications in international scientific A1 journals including 3 papers in Nature.


    - First author of the paper describing the discovery of the tumor-inducing plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. See also  thesis “Identification and study of an extrachromosomal genetic element responsible for the tumour-inducing capacity of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. A contribution to the study of the tumoral transformation of the cell.” This plasmid has later been used extensively for  the genetic engineering of plants.


    - Founded the "Laboratory for Detection of Mutagens and Carcinogens" in the Pasteur Instituut of the Brabant Province.


    - Developed in the Laboratory for Experimental Cancerology of Ghent University a new technique for the study of cellular motility and demonstrated that an increased motility is one of the characteristics of the malignant phenotype.


    - Contributed importantly, through molecular epidemiological studies, to the demonstration of the low dose effects of pollutants on human health through molecular epidemiology.


    - Co-initiator and co-promotor of the large scale project "Environment and Health", concerning the inhabitants of Wilrijk, Hoboken and Peer.


    - Coordinating author  of  MIRA S 2000


    - Promotor-spokesperson of the Expertise Centre “Environment and Health” 2001-2006 of the Flemish Government .


    - Promotor-spokesperson of the Expertise Centre “Environment and Health” 2007-2011 of the Flemish Government .


    - Designated by the Flemish Interuniversitary Council in the inspection committee for Environmental Sciences (starting june 2006)



    Member of the college and the Office of the Belgian Superior Health Council..


    Member (deputy)of the Belgian Federal Biosafety Council


    Member of the Belgian Scientific REACH Committee


    Co-chairman (with Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon) and rapporteur of the working group which drafted the advice 9404 "PHYSICAL CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE (LIMITING EXPOSURE TO MUTAGENIC OR ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING AGENTS) AND THE IMPORTANCE OF EXPOSURES EARLY IN LIFE" of the Belgian Superior Health Council (May 2019).



    Scientific service to the Society concerning the prevention of Cancer


    Emphasised as first Belgian physician the importance of somatic mutations in the causation of cancer. Active, from 1978 on, in raising the awareness of consumers, workers and citizen in general of the importance of a healthy environment in the prevention of cancer and other diseases. This inter alia as adviser to three big organisations in Belgium, Testaankoop (Consumer Organization), Algemeen Belgisch Vakverbond (Trade Union) and the Socialist Party. Wrote an editorial "Kanker: wat kunt U zelf doen"(Cancer: what can you do yourself) published by the consumer Organisation Testaankoop in Januari 1983. Wrote, towards the medical profession, seven articles in the " Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde" (Flemish Medical Journal) in the years 1978-1983 in which a series of concepts important for the prevention of cancer were discussed.


    Worked towards a healthy environment and the prevention of cancer in several councils and organisations:

     - The National Council for the Scientific Policy (member).

    -The National Council for Nutrition  (member))

    - Het European Trade Union technical Bureau on Health and Safety at Work (ass external advisor)

    - The Flemish Advisory Commission for the prevention of Cancer(member)

    - The  "Commission primary prevention of cancer  : Occupation and environment" of the Flemish Cancer Ligue and the Flemish Advisory Commission for the prevention of Cancer (President)

    - The Flemish Environmental   Agency (as external advisor)

    - The subgroup " Health Care" organised by the Flemish Government in preparation of the implementation of Agenda 21  as signed during the Conference of the United Natioins concerning Environment and Development Rio De Janeiro, 1992. (Member)

    - The working group "Benzene" of the Superior Health Council (as invited expert)

    - The Flemish Health Council (member)

    - The working group "Environment and Health" of Flemish Health Council, founded on his initiative (president).

    -  The Commission Evaluation of Environmental norms (Member)

    - The "Fédération des Maisons Médicales et Collectifs de Santé Francophones" (as representative of the Brussels Free Clinic).

    - The  Commission  "Incineration and Emissions"" (Commission Baeyens) of the Flemish Government (member).

    - The Commission "Environment" of the Flemish Parliament (as invited expert)

    - The European program "Awareness Strategies for Pollution from Industries" (ASPIS) (as invited expert).

    - The crisis cabinet during the Belgian Dioxin Crisis ( minister Van Den Bossche) (as invited expert

    - The "temporary expert group concerning dioxins in food "of the Superior Health Council,  founded by ministrial decree of  4 june 1999" (Member).

    - The Management Board of the "Vlaams Instituut voor Wetenschappelijk en Technologisch Aspectenonderzoek" (VIWTA) of the Flemish Parliament

    - The Strategical Advisory Council for Well Being, Health and Family Policy of the Flemish Government (Member).

    - The mixed Belgian- Netherland Commission on child leukemia (Member).

    - The  College of the Superior Health Council (Member).

    - De Federal Biosafety Council (deputy member).

    - The Federal Scientific REACH Committee (Member).


    Participated intensively in the societal debate  concerning Environment, Pollution and Health, with 65 television interviews and more than hundred interviews with the spoken or written press.


  • Keywords:Chemistry (incl. biochemistry)
  • Users of research expertise:

    Scientific activities -


    Author or co-author of more than hundred publications in international scientific A1 journals including 3 papers in Nature.


    - First author of the paper describing the discovery of the tumor-inducing plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. See also  thesis “Identification and study of an extrachromosomal genetic element responsible for the tumour-inducing capacity of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. A contribution to the study of the tumoral transformation of the cell.” This plasmid has later been used extensively for  the genetic engineering of plants.


    - Founded the "Laboratory for Detection of Mutagens and Carcinogens" in the Pasteur Instituut of the Brabant Province.


    - Developed in the Laboratory for Experimental Cancerology of Ghent University a new technique for the study of cellular motility and demonstrated that an increased motility is one of the characteristics of the malignant phenotype.


    - Contributed importantly, through molecular epidemiological studies, to the demonstration of the low dose effects of pollutants on human health through molecular epidemiology.


    - Co-initiator and co-promotor of the large scale project "Environment and Health", concerning the inhabitants of Wilrijk, Hoboken and Peer.


    - Coordinating author  of  MIRA S 2000


    - Promotor-spokesperson of the Expertise Centre “Environment and Health” 2001-2006 of the Flemish Government .


    - Promotor-spokesperson of the Expertise Centre “Environment and Health” 2007-2011 of the Flemish Government .


    - Designated by the Flemish Interuniversitary Council in the inspection committee for Environmental Sciences (starting june 2006)



    Member of the college and the Office of the Belgian Superior Health Council..


    Member (deputy)of the Belgian Federal Biosafety Council


    Member of the Belgian Scientific REACH Committee


    Co-chairman (with Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon) and rapporteur of the working group which drafted the advice 9404 "PHYSICAL CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE (LIMITING EXPOSURE TO MUTAGENIC OR ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING AGENTS) AND THE IMPORTANCE OF EXPOSURES EARLY IN LIFE" of the Belgian Superior Health Council (May 2019).



    Scientific service to the Society concerning the prevention of Cancer


    Emphasised as first Belgian physician the importance of somatic mutations in the causation of cancer. Active, from 1978 on, in raising the awareness of consumers, workers and citizen in general of the importance of a healthy environment in the prevention of cancer and other diseases. This inter alia as adviser to three big organisations in Belgium, Testaankoop (Consumer Organization), Algemeen Belgisch Vakverbond (Trade Union) and the Socialist Party. Wrote an editorial "Kanker: wat kunt U zelf doen"(Cancer: what can you do yourself) published by the consumer Organisation Testaankoop in Januari 1983. Wrote, towards the medical profession, seven articles in the " Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde" (Flemish Medical Journal) in the years 1978-1983 in which a series of concepts important for the prevention of cancer were discussed.


    Worked towards a healthy environment and the prevention of cancer in several councils and organisations:

     - The National Council for the Scientific Policy (member).

    -The National Council for Nutrition  (member))

    - Het European Trade Union technical Bureau on Health and Safety at Work (ass external advisor)

    - The Flemish Advisory Commission for the prevention of Cancer(member)

    - The  "Commission primary prevention of cancer  : Occupation and environment" of the Flemish Cancer Ligue and the Flemish Advisory Commission for the prevention of Cancer (President)

    - The Flemish Environmental   Agency (as external advisor)

    - The subgroup " Health Care" organised by the Flemish Government in preparation of the implementation of Agenda 21  as signed during the Conference of the United Natioins concerning Environment and Development Rio De Janeiro, 1992. (Member)

    - The working group "Benzene" of the Superior Health Council (as invited expert)

    - The Flemish Health Council (member)

    - The working group "Environment and Health" of Flemish Health Council, founded on his initiative (president).

    -  The Commission Evaluation of Environmental norms (Member)

    - The "Fédération des Maisons Médicales et Collectifs de Santé Francophones" (as representative of the Brussels Free Clinic).

    - The  Commission  "Incineration and Emissions"" (Commission Baeyens) of the Flemish Government (member).

    - The Commission "Environment" of the Flemish Parliament (as invited expert)

    - The European program "Awareness Strategies for Pollution from Industries" (ASPIS) (as invited expert).

    - The crisis cabinet during the Belgian Dioxin Crisis ( minister Van Den Bossche) (as invited expert

    - The "temporary expert group concerning dioxins in food "of the Superior Health Council,  founded by ministrial decree of  4 june 1999" (Member).

    - The Management Board of the "Vlaams Instituut voor Wetenschappelijk en Technologisch Aspectenonderzoek" (VIWTA) of the Flemish Parliament

    - The Strategical Advisory Council for Well Being, Health and Family Policy of the Flemish Government (Member).

    - The mixed Belgian- Netherland Commission on child leukemia (Member).

    - The  College of the Superior Health Council (Member).

    - De Federal Biosafety Council (deputy member).

    - The Federal Scientific REACH Committee (Member).


    Participated intensively in the societal debate  concerning Environment, Pollution and Health, with 65 television interviews and more than hundred interviews with the spoken or written press.