Looking for a Flemish partner to conduct research together?

As a foreign institution I want to request European funding and I am looking for Flemish partners with expertise within my scientic discipline, e.g. microelectronics.

How can I search this at the FRIS Research portal?

In the central search field I type 'microelectronics' and click at 'Search'.

My search results appear sorted by category.

The FRIS Research portal offers a broad overview of information about research on microlectronics: researchers as well as research units at the intitutions, projects and publications.

I click at the block 'Researchers' to select them.

This way I get an overview of researchers performing research about microelectronics.

In the navigation at the left side you can select the researchers which received European funding.

Now I have information about researchers en research unit which I possible can contact for cooperation in order to request European funding.