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Kloosterman Lab Flanders Institute for Biotechnology

Studying neural circuits and systems, unravelling the fundamental mechanisms by which the mammalian brain represents, stores and processes information, understanding how animals use memories to guide their behavior helps us map the basic operations of memory systems in the brain. It also provides us with clues on where these systems fail in diseases such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy or different sleep disorders.

Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) KU Leuven


The Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), consists of 6 sections: ESAT - ELECTA, Electrical Energy and Computer Architectures; ESAT - PSI, Processing Speech and Images; ESAT - MICAS, Microelectronics and Sensors; ESAT - COSIC, Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography; ESAT - STADIUS, Stadius Centre for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data Analytics; and ESAT- TELEMIC, Telecommunications and Microwaves. The Associated ...

Electronic Circuits and Systems (ECS) KU Leuven


Divsion ESAT - MICAS, Micro-elektronics en Sensors

MICAS is a research division with a world class reputation in the domain of integrated circuit and sensors design. The focus of the research is on circuit level design and MEMS development. MICAS designs chips for power management, communication, biomedical applicartions and so on. We span everything from DC to mm-Wave and optical. For this we cooperate with semiconductor ...