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ESAT - MICAS, Microelectronics and Sensors KU Leuven

Divsion ESAT - MICAS, Micro-elektronics en Sensors

MICAS is a research division with a world class reputation in the domain of integrated circuit and sensors design. The focus of the research is on circuit level design and MEMS development. MICAS designs chips for power management, communication, biomedical applicartions and so on. We span everything from DC to mm-Wave and optical. For this we cooperate with semiconductor ...

Electronics and Informatics Vrije Universiteit Brussel


ETRO (Electronics and Information Processing) focuses on three major topics: devices and electronic technology (LAMI) on the one hand, and on the other hand the processing of information through electronic means in fields related to digital images and video (IRIS) and speech (DSSP). 1. IRIS studies how to map image processing algorithms on appropriate architectures for efficient implementation, image and video compression, data visualisation, ...

Engineering Materials and Applications Hasselt University


Engineering Materials & Applications (EMAP)

The Engineering Materials & Applications (EMAP) research group focuses on developing innovative solutions to successfully bridge the gap between fundamental research and industrially compatible products and processes. This is done in a wide range of fields, from materials physics and chemistry to electronics, electromechanics and electrochemistry. Cooperation with industrial ...

Membrane Separations, Adsorption, Catalysis, and Spectroscopy for Sustainable Solutions (cMACS) KU Leuven

cMACS forms an interdisciplinary and international team that pioneers research in catalysis, energy, spectroscopy and separations. A molecular understanding of physical and chemical phenomena during synthesis and application of catalysts, sorbents and membranes is central to allow molecular and structural design of novel materials and directed engineering of applications. The study of porous materials, membranes, films and their interfaces ...