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Laboratory of Lipid Metabolism and Cancer KU Leuven


The Laboratory of Lipid Metabolism and Cancer focusses on altered lipid metabolism in cancer cells. Using a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry-based lipidomics technology the group has made the intriguing observation that development and progression of cancer is almost invariably accompanied by dramatic changes in the cell’s composition of phospholipids. As phospholipids play a key role in the formation of membranes, which organize numerous ...

Cell Metabolism KU Leuven


The primary objectives of the lab are 1) to understand the role of peroxisomes and in particular of peroxisomal β-oxidation in diverse tissues and during different stages of life 2) to investigate the pathological mechanisms in peroxisomal diseases which should allow the development of therapies. To approach these questions we generated a series of mouse models with global or cell type selective inactivation of functional peroxisomes or of ...