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Proteinchemistry, proteomics and epigenetic signalling(PPES) University of Antwerp

The cluster Proteinscience, proteomics and epigenetic signalling is active on three domains: neurodegeneration, infection and inflammation. For the first part the cluster studies for example the effects of hypoxia/ischemia and the role of hemeproteins herein and how this is perceived in metabolic active tissue such as brain. In the second part the virus-ghost relationship will be studie on intra- and extracellulair level. In the final part the ...

Hypertension and Cardiovascular Epidemiology KU Leuven

The Research Unit Hypertension and Cardiovascular Epidemiology (HCVE) coordinated influential clinical trials, published in top-ranking journals, such as the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial (Syst-Eur), the Ambulatory blood Pressure monitoring and Treatment of Hypertension trial (APTH) and the Treatment of hypertension based on Home or Office blood Pressure trial (THOP). HCVE led the Data Safety and Monitoring Board of large clinical ...