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Centre for the Pre-Industrial Production Processes and Labour Relations Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The last few years historical research focuses on guilds: the social, economical, political and cultural functions of guilds in urban industries during the Modern Period. Empirical study concentrates on the Spanish and Austrian Netherlands, especially on the duchy of Brabant and the county of Flanders. A comparative and long-term approach is designed to place guilds in a new perspective, related with the growing international intrest of this ...

Chinese Studies, Leuven KU Leuven

Sinology at KULeuven includes the following three domains of research: 1. CLASSICAL CHINESE PHILOSOPHY (Zhou en Han Dynasties): * An analysis of the 'Xunzi' as a culmination of early Chinese philosophical debates; * The ethic-religious core chapters of 'Mozi': a textual analysis of the three-fold structure; * A study of the 'Xunzi'; * Paradoxes in early taoist writings: a philosophical and textual analysis; * From normative language to ...