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Central Academic Services Vrije Universiteit Brussel

De centraal academische diensten bestaan uit een aantal entiteiten die over de verschillende opleidingen, faculteiten, onderzoeksgroepen en vakgroepen diensten aanbieden. De entiteiten werken autonoom onder gedelegeerde bevoegdheid van de rector. Tot 30 september 2004 is Prof. B. Van Camp, rector van de VUB

Faculty Education Services Law and Criminology Ghent University

The faculty education support department is the central point of contact for all aspects relating to education. The service is divided into three culsters: faculty administration, monitor and education quality assurance committee.

Faculty Education Services Sciences Ghent University

Some of the tasks of the Faculty Education Service are: administrative assistence for the Quality cell of education on the faculty, organization and guidance for information days. Logistic assistance for international exchange, couselling for students.