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Development processes, actors and policies University of Antwerp

In today's globalised world, we conceive of development as a multi-level and multi-actor process. Development is a patchy process, pushed and pulled in different directions and unfolding in different time scales. Development policies are both part of this process and impacting on it. IOB studies the patchwork of actors and dynamics entangled in political processes in order to identify time and place bound opportunities for change towards a more ...

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design Ghent University

The Department of Industrial Systems Optimization and Control (ISyOC) brings together the following research centres:(1) The Supply Networks & Logistics Research Center (SNLRC) conducts advanced research and provides scientific consultancy and support in supply networks engineering and management.(2) Integrated Production and Maintenance Planning & Scheduling - This research line focuses on:Investigating issues related to the integration ...

ESAT - MICAS, Microelectronics and Sensors KU Leuven

Divsion ESAT - MICAS, Micro-elektronics en Sensors

MICAS is a research division with a world class reputation in the domain of integrated circuit and sensors design. The focus of the research is on circuit level design and MEMS development. MICAS designs chips for power management, communication, biomedical applicartions and so on. We span everything from DC to mm-Wave and optical. For this we cooperate with semiconductor ...

Human Physiology and Special Physiology of Physical Education Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The research into the physiological effects of exercise performed in the human physiology lab can be divided into several aspects. We study the effects of physical activity and inactivity on health status and quality of life. These aspects are examined with a longitudinal study where pathophysiological mechanisms and preventive measures are included. Our research into the more practical aspects of exercise and training includes: the influence ...

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology KU Leuven


In the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, socio-cultural anthropologists conduct empirically driven investigations on the following themes: (1) "the making of lifeworlds" in the city, in a digitizing world, through migrant projects, through tourism and heritage, through ethical choices, and through popular culture; (2) "the life of relationships": people are embedded in a plurality of relationships, to others, to animals, plants, ...

Lab for Equilibrium Investigations and Aerospace (LEIA) University of Antwerp

LEIA is a continuation of the group AUREA (Antwerp University Research Center for Equilibrium and Aerospace), which was formerly part of BIMEF. This group was never officially ratified. LEIA was therefore established in October 2018 in a separate entity. The research within LEIA is divided into 2 major parts: on one hand equilibrium research and on the other research on the impact of weightlessness and spaceflight on the human body and in ...

Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics KU Leuven

An overview of our main research groups are:
Robot-Assisted Surgery, autonomous Systems, industrial Robotics and Mechantronics, assistive Robotics, Estimation, Control and Optimization and Robot and Machine Programming.