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Institute for the Study of Spirituality KU Leuven


Research topics of this institute include textual and theological analyzes of Middle Dutch mystical literature such as Hadewijch and Jan van Ruusbroec and the comparison between Chinese and Christian mysticism.

Research Unit of History of Church and Theology KU Leuven


At the crossroads of theology and history and rooted in a tradition of cutting edge source-based scholarship, Leuven research in the history of church and theology is characterized by an interest in both institutional and theological-spiritual aspects. The holding together of these dimensions gives the research unit its unique interdisciplinary profile. In research and teaching, the four traditional periods in the history of Church and ...

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology KU Leuven


In the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, socio-cultural anthropologists conduct empirically driven investigations on the following themes: (1) "the making of lifeworlds" in the city, in a digitizing world, through migrant projects, through tourism and heritage, through ethical choices, and through popular culture; (2) "the life of relationships": people are embedded in a plurality of relationships, to others, to animals, plants, ...

Research Unit of Pastoral and Empirical Theology KU Leuven


This Research centre consists of the Liturgical Studies Institute and the Academic Centre for Practical Theology.

PASTORAL THEOLOGY - Religion in Contemporary Society - New Religious Movements and Trends - Contemporary Church Life - Catholic Church Personnel - Christian Witness and Communication of Faith - Pastoral Supervision - Training of Pastoral Workers in Parishes, Schools, Health care organizations etc... Catholic School: ...

Research centre Ruusbroec Institute University of Antwerp

The aims of the Ruusbroec Institute have been formulated as follows by its founders in 1925: 'a scientific research of the history of Christian spirituality - both ascetical and mystical - in the Low Countries, from the conversion to Christianity until 1750.' Even though the methodology, the way in which research topics are chosen, and the manner of publication of the results have developed in the course of the years, the original idea is still ...

Research Centre for Visual Poetics University of Antwerp

Poetics derives from "poiesis", or "active making". The poetics of an artistic medium places the artwork at the center of study and studies the finished work as the result of a process of construction. It mounts explanations how the artwork works and why under certain circumstances it came to look the way it did. It reveals, more specifically, the inextricable weaving together of representation and discourse, the imbrication of visual and verbal ...