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Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Conservation KU Leuven


LABORATORY OF AQUATIC ECOLOGY (F. Ollevier, L. Brendonck, L. De Meester, R. Stoks, F. Volckaert) - Aquatic ecology and biodiversity including population genetics & evolutionary genetics of aquatic vertebrates & invertebrates. - Fish diseases (parasites, bacteria) and aquatic microbiology. - Management of aquatic ecosystems (trophical cascade) in relation with eutrophication. - Ecophysiology related with aquaculture, reproduction. - ...

Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology Hasselt University


Invertebrates, and especially freeliving flatworms (Platyhelminthes) are the subject of several research topics:
1. Biodiversity (incl. cryptic biodiversity)
2. Phylogeny and phylogeography based on morphological and molecular markers
3. Effects of pollution (especially heavy metals) on several aspects of the biology of turbellaria: regeneration and stem cell dynamics, life history-parameters, morphology,...
4. Study of ...