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Climate & Energy VIVES

The Climate & Energy research group aims to combat climate change and transition to a sustainable future. Our primary focus areas include climate adaptation, circular economy principles, hydrogen technologies, and the transformation of the transport sector. We are committed to finding innovative solutions that enhance climate resilience, reduce waste, and harness the power of hydrogen as a clean energy source. Our research investigates the ...

Energy, Climate and Green Economy Departement of spatial development, environment, energy, climate, green economy, animal welfare

  • Policy development of environmental policies on climate, air, energy, green economy and deep subsoil
  • Environmental policy regulations for the themes of air, energy, climate & green economy
  • Policy implementation of environmental policies on climate, air, energy, green economy and deep subsoil
  • Air pollution prevention and control policy

Environment and Climate Research Institute for Nature and Forest

Environmental pressures such as eutrophication, groundwater depletion, pollution and climate change lie behind the reduction and homogenisation of biodiversity. Sustainable conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity generally requires a reduction of environmental impact and restoration of the natural environment. The Environment & Climate research group studies the interaction between environmental characteristics and biodiversity in ...

Environment and Climate Research Institute for Nature and Forest


Environmental pressures such as eutrophication, groundwater depletion, pollution and climate change partly lie behind the reduction and homogenisation of biodiversity. Sustainable conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity generally requires a reduction of environmental impact and restoration of the natural environment. The Environment and Climate team studies the interaction between environmental characteristics and biodiversity in Flemish ...

Departement of spatial development, environment, energy, climate, green economy, animal welfare Departement of spatial development, environment, energy, climate, green economy, animal welfare

The Environment Department has the following tasks:

  • the realization of a high-quality living environment, which makes use of various stocks and the available space in a sustainable way
  • the development of an integrated environmental policy (space, environment, nature and energy) aimed at policy preparation and implementation, support broadening, enforcement of regulations and policy evaluation
  • cooperation ...