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Sustainable Chemical Process Technology, Ghent and Aalst Technology Campuses KU Leuven

Technology Cluster Sustainable Chemical Process, Technology Campuses Ghent and Aalst

Chemical & Biochemical Process Technology & Control (BioTeC+)

Scientific research in BioTeC+ concentrates on model based optimization and control of microbial conversion processes. The underlying motivation is that model based solutions to process optimization and control problems are superior in performance and robustness as ...

Sustainable Chemical Process Technology, De Nayer (Sint-Katelijne-Waver) Campus KU Leuven

Technology Cluster Sustainable Chemical Process focuses on the domain of resource recovery and the production of renewable chemicals and energy carriers from waste, side and biomass streams. Examples of studied processes include wastewater treatment processes, mixed-culture microbial processes and the production of renewable chemicals by thermal, chemical and biochemical conversion technologies.

Bio- & Chemical Systems Technology, Reactor Engineering and Safety Section KU Leuven

Chemische procestechniek Modelling of gas-solid chemical reactors. Bubble flow, heat transfer and conversion in fluidized bed reactors. Numerical analysis of the bifurcation behavior of non-linear systems. Catalytic reduction of NOx in automotive exhaust gases. Modelling of multistage separation processes. Computer-aided design of chemical processes: development of simulation programs. Energy integration in chemical processes.

Sustainable Chemical Process Technology, Diepenbeek Campus KU Leuven

Lab4U performs research on the development of new technologies and their implementation in existing (bio) chemical processes aiming a transformation from batch to flow. The research group focuses on characterization, development and control of chemical reactors and separation units. Keywords include ultrasound and alternative energy, process intensification, green chemicals, milli-flow reactors, separation processes and inline process ...

Leuven Chemistry, Catalysis and Chemical Technology Research Centre KU Leuven


Research topics of this unit are:
Catalysis of organic reactions with heterogeneous, homogeneous or bio-catalysts. The focal points of the research are zeolites as catalysts, layered double hydroxides (LDHs) as catalysts, Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs), nanoparticles of precious metals (Au, Pd, ...), Palladium, Osmium, Manganese, Tungsten and Molybdenum catalysts.
Important investigated reactions are oxidations: epoxidations, ...

Sustainable chemicals production research cluster: Separation Technology & Economics and Policy making Vrije Universiteit Brussel


De multidisciplinaire en interfacultaire STEP onderzoeksgroep van de VUB draagt bij aan het versnellen van de innovatiecyclus van duurzame processen voor de chemische industrie, een grote uitdaging die tegen 2050 moet worden bereikt, zo niet eerder in lijn met de Europese Green Deal 2030. Dat doen we door niet alleen de technologische uitdagingen grondig te bekijken, maar ook het economische en wetgevende kader, zodat er haalbare oplossingen ...